Annual Report production, stakeholder communications and fulfilment

We recently designed and produced a 276 page annual report for a global sports brand. The design aesthetic is probably the highest we have produced to date. And there is a reason for that. The client listened to our recommendations and let us do our job. Rare that.

At over an inch thick, it weighed in as a substantial document, but still remained light and engaging.

However an annual report for a global Plc is only part of the communications package for an organisation's stakeholders. As part of our service we were tasked with producing the full range of stakeholder coms. These included:

  • A proxy card

  • A notice of AGM

  • Stakeholder letter

  • And a BRE (Business Reply Envelope)

Whilst these documents are ‘designed’ they are designed in a ‘business like’ manner. What that means is in a clear way but not overly designed. They need to be clear and well presented, but not overly branded.

All of these items were gathered together and sent to our mailing house. We’ve worked with these guys for 16 years or more, so we trust them to get it right - and that isn’t always easy.

Mailing lists come from the client or their list management company and they come in all shapes and sizes and not always ‘clean’. By clean I mean data that is set so that it is clear what each recipient will receive, their contact details are consistently set in an Excel file or a CSV.

On the face of it, it looks like a simple thing to do. But clean data is a rare beast indeed, so data cleaning is often needed.

Anyway. Our mailing house processes the data, creates proofs of the data and the mailing labels and we send it to the client for approval.

All the items get inserted into an envelope and mailed, usually in a day, maybe two.

This fulfilment service takes the hassle away from the client and delivers a ‘complete’ service.
